Everything you need to know about watering your plants.

The number one question we receive from our customers is “how much water does my plant need?” When it comes to houseplants, the answer might surprise you! We’ve found a lot of self-proclaimed ‘Plant Killers’ often approach house plants like they would flowers, and assume that they too like to swim in water. In most cases, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Most house plants thrive in a cycle of wet to dry, and need proper drainage to allow that to happen.

Think about it this way… Where does your plant grow naturally? Most house plants originate in tropical settings. Philodendron, ferns, and pothos are all very common houseplants and come from tropical climates where frequent rain showers occur. They do best watered about once a week. Succulents and Cacti originate in desert climates where they rarely see rain. They prefer to be watered on a monthly basis, where they can fully dry in between watering. The most common problem we see with houseplants dying is overwatering. We have three tips to help ensure that doesn’t happen to you!


Always have a drainage hole! When you can, avoid planting your houseplant in a pot without proper drainage. If your desired planter doesn’t have a drainage hole, we recommend leaving your plants in the nursery pot, and placing them in the basket or pot of your choice. That way you can easily move your plants to the sink, tub, or yard for mess free watering.

Water Schedule

Set a watering schedule! Most plants do best on a weekly watering schedule. Set one day aside and water all of your plants at one time. Maybe you choose “Thirsty Thursday” to help you remember! Not every plant will need water every week, but by starting on a weekly schedule, you will ensure that every plant is checked at least once a week!

Touch the Soil!

Touch the soil! Most plants do best to be watered when the top inch of the soil is dry. Get your hands dirty. Stick your finger in the pot. Feels dry? It’s ready for a drink. Still moist? Save it for next week!

With everything, there are always exceptions, but for the vast majority of houseplants, following these simple tips will lead to success! Still have questions? Come visit us at our shop in Parrish! We will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to become a successful plant parent!

For more tips and tricks on how to get your house plants to thrive visit us at www.fancyleafplantco.com or on social media @fancyleafplantco


A plant that even you can’t kill, we promise.


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