The Best Plants for Air Purification

Houseplants provide so much to our lives. Not only are they beautiful additions to our decor, but many also make our homes healthier. NASA recently did a study on the best plants for air purification. The Clean Air Study revealed which plants are the most effective at removing chemicals from the air like formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, xylene, toluene, and ammonia. According to the study, the best plants for Air Purification are Snake Plants, English Ivy, Pothos, Peace Lily, Spider Plants, Dracaena, Aloe, Ferns and Palms. Many of these plants are beginner friendly plants and can be found at Fancy Leaf Plant Co., located in Parrish! Stop in the shop and speak to one of our friendly team members who are happy to assist you in finding the perfect plant for your space! For more tips and tricks on how to get your house plants to thrive visit us at or on social media @fancyleafplantco


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